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目录摘要 IAbstract II1当前国际营销的状况及成因 3 3 3 4 4 5 72精成企业现状及问题分析 8 8 9 9 9 3精成企业的国际市场策略 做好国际产品包装与品种工作 结论 参考文献 致谢 附录一 国际营销的发展前景 附录二 International Marketing Prospects For Development 摘要加入世界贸易组织不仅给我们整个社会的经济、生活带来巨大变化,而且使国际贸易发生了巨大变革,使在贸易中占据重要地位的国际市场营销活动面临着新的选择和挑战。营销的各个方面,无论是市场调研、市场开拓、营销队伍和营销组合都显现出新经济的作用。一方面,国际市场营销的空间领域扩大了,营销的技术更先进了;而另一方面,营销的复杂性上升了,营销的难度也加大了。中国加入WTO之后,带来的是新的市场游戏规则、新的理念、知识、技术、资金、人才和全球的庞大市场。由于加入WTO后国际市场壁垒的减少,中国企业将有更多的机会在全球发达的消费市场中展示实力和发展自己的事业,实现跨国经营。本文论述了国际营销理论的国内外发展、国际营销的特点、内容和各种环境分析。还有国际营销在我国企业的运用情况,分析了中国中小型民型企业在国际营销中存在的问题,指出了入世后中国企业国际市场营销应对策略以及实施过程。【关键字】 国际营销;营销策略;产品组合AbstractAfter china entered into world trade anization, Great change has taken place. The each aspect of marketing,include market investigation,market explanation and marketing troops,is reflecting new economic the other hand,the realm of the international marketing extended,the technique of the marketing is more advanced; on the other hand,theplexity of the marketing ran high,the difficulties of the marketing enlarge, text This text discussed the international market characteristics,contents of the theories’s domestic and international development,international market with the every kind of environment al discussed the domestic and international development of the international marketing theory,and analyzed the China inside the business enterprise of small scaled people type the problem that exsits in the international market,and point outed into the international market of Chinese business enterprise of a life time empress the market to reply the strategy and into practice the process.Keywords: International marketing;Marketing strategies;Productbination日...医疗技术联盟网络:在线英语文献检索提示点击以下链接进入图片站的一部分......有些网站没制,你可以看到很多相关文献,还是会发现一些有用的......这一般需要相关专业的bbs可以找到好的文学作品探究国内资源bbs ...

2、求一篇娱乐营销(entertainment marketing)的英文论文

中文摘要: 全球文化娱乐产业作为亿人民币。 娱乐对于市场各个层面的渗透几乎是无所不在:从产品销售、品牌塑造到市场推广,娱乐营销成了无往不利的武器。利用明星的娱乐性力量去拉动营销,已经成为许多企业进行营销推广时经常使用的手段。 在这个体验经济的时代,感情推动商机。客户不仅是在购买企业的产品和,同时,他们更希望从中得到乐趣。因此,不管是产品还是,商业的实质就是作秀。企业要想成功,就必须与你的观众建立一种感情上的——这一点正是许多企业选择不同性格特征明星代言品牌的考衡标准。 娱乐精神的效用发挥可以使科技变得温暖、使石油变得与人亲近、使汉堡包成为年轻人快乐的源泉——如果要想使自己的企业和品牌变得更具竞争力,将娱乐精神注入品牌是一种有效的方式。在世纪,商业的本质就是娱乐。当技术改变了世界的时候,而娱乐正在改变商业。 娱乐化精神的到来对企业从管理、经营、营销策略制定进行了全方位的清洗。在一个全新的时代,商业的文化和行为已经改... 这是中文


Since the reform and opening up, China's growing ft drinks market, gradually prospered. As the world's giant ft drink industry, CocaCola, with its strong brand, strong capital, advanced management and excellent marketing, has been retaining its position in the industry. This paper intends to start its advertising strategy, trying to apply the theoretical framework of adrelated basis, analyze and summarize the success of CocaCola advertising strategy, and to further explore the reans for its success in order to provide a reference for the domestic beverage industry. Requirements: simple and concise, to reject China's English.西西``Since the reform and opening up, China has ft drinks market expansion, gradually prosperity. As the world of ft drinks giant CocaCola relying on its strong brand, abundant funds, advanced management, marketing, ranks industry. This paper, starting from the advertising strategy in application of relevant theoretical framework of ads based on analysis of CocaCola, its successful advertising strategies, and further discusses the causes of its success, in order to provide reference for domestic beverage.Requirements: concise concise, refused to Chinese English.注意毕业论文的‘论文’一定要用‘paper’, 不能用‘article’论包装设计中色彩的情感传达color's role in conveying emotions in packaging design 色彩作为包装设计的重要素之一,具有类似语言的功能,在对人们形成直接、强烈的视觉冲击的同时,又与消费者 产生情感上的共鸣。color, as one of the most important elements in packaging design, renates with the end users which the products are targeted, both visually and emotionally. 本篇论文主要从三个方面论述了包装色彩情感传达的具体特征:人性化的互动,个性化的表现,流行化的趋向。this paper elaborates the characteristics in three apsects how the color design conveys emotions by humanized interaction, by pernalized expression, and by visualized trend demonstration.阐述了包装色彩的本质,即它以 人性化与个性化为基础,使商品与顾客之间产生互动与交融。总之,在市场激烈竞争的今天,色彩已成为宣传商品形象,沟通商品与消费者进行情感交流的有效途径。 it states the basic nature of color design in product packaging, that is, to create interaction andmunication between the users and themodity based on humanization and pernalization. after all in the modernpetative market, proper coloring in product packages has increasingly be an effective channel in promoting product images and helpingmunication betweenmodities and consumers.ABSTRACT: Since the reform and openup policy, the market of ft drink in China is bing stronger and stronger and more and more the leading ft drink industry in the world, cocacola is now steadily ranking the first in this industry with its famous brand,ample capital,advanced manage and exellent article is intended to analyze and summarize the successful ad policy of cocacola on the base of the theory of applied advertisement from its ad policy and further research its rean for success that we can offer reference to domestic ft drink industry .Since the reform and opening up, China's growing ft drinks market, gradually prospered. As the world's giant ft drink industry, CocaCola, with its strong brand, strong capital, advanced management and excellent marketing, has been retaining its position in the industry. This paper intends to start its advertising strategy, trying to apply the theoretical framework of adrelated basis, analyze and summarize the success of CocaCola advertising strategy, and to further explore the reans for its success in order to provide a reference for the domestic beverage industry.Requirements: simple and concise, to reject China's EnglishSince the reform and opening up, China has ft drinks market expansion, gradually prosperity. As the world of ft drinks giant CocaCola relying on its strong brand, abundant funds, advanced management, marketing, ranks industry. This paper, starting from the advertising strategy in application of relevant theoretical framework of ads based on analysis of CocaCola, its successful advertising strategies, and further discusses the causes of its success, in order to provide reference for domestic beverage.






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