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./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting agent ............................................................. failed.
Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup
Fatal agent error: Target Interaction Manager failed at Startup
Fatal agent error: Target Interaction Manager failed at Startup
EMAgent is Thrashing. Exiting watchdog
Consult emctl.log and emagent.nohup in: /tmpdata/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/log
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/oracle
[oracle@dm01dbadm01 bin]$ ./emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/oracle

 tail -100 emctl.log
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Check agent status retCode=1
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::TZ:Asia/Shanghai EmctlLogAvailabilityMarker Operation=start Diag=failed
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::Calling releaselobalLock
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::AgentCommandLock:released lock on emctl lockfile
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::Released agent command lock
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::Cleaning up agent command lock
78313 :: Tue Jun 12 09:54:24 2018::AgentCommandLock:closed file handle of emctl lockfile
88516 :: Tue Jun 12 09:56:52 2018::Initializing the agent command locking system
88516 :: Tue Jun 12 09:56:53 2018::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Processing status agent
88516 :: Tue Jun 12 09:56:53 2018::AgentStatus.pm:Processing status agent
88516 :: Tue Jun 12 09:56:53 2018::AgentStatus.pm:emdctl status returned 1
88516 :: Tue Jun 12 09:56:53 2018::Cleaning up agent command lock
88516 :: Tue Jun 12 09:56:53 2018::AgentCommandLock:closed file handle of emctl lockfi

tail -100 emagent.nohup 
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018::70850::Checking status of EMAgent : 72466 -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018::70850::EMAgent exited at Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018 with return value 57. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018::70850::EMAgent will be restarted because of an Out of Memory Exception. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018::70850::writeAbnormalExitTimestampToAgntStmp: exitCause=OOM : restartRequired=1 -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018::70850::Restarting EMAgent. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018::70850::Auto tuning the agent at time Tue Jun 12 09:51:50 2018 -----
agentJavaDefines=-Xmx430M -XX:MaxPermSize=96M
Auto tuning was successful
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:53 2018::70850::Finished auto tuning the agent at time Tue Jun 12 09:51:53 2018 -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:53 2018::70850::Launching the JVM with following options: -Xmx430M -XX:MaxPermSize=96M -server -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/./urandom -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true -XX:+UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseCompressedOops -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:53 2018::70850::Agent Launched with PID 73593 at time Tue Jun 12 09:51:53 2018 -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:51:53 2018::73593::Time elapsed between Launch of Watchdog process and execing EMAgent is 30 secs -----
2018-06-12 09:51:54,092 [1:main] WARN - Missing filename for log handler 'wsm'
2018-06-12 09:51:54,100 [1:main] WARN - Missing filename for log handler 'opss'
2018-06-12 09:51:54,101 [1:main] WARN - Missing filename for log handler 'opsscfg'
Agent is going down due to an OutOfMemoryError
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::Checking status of EMAgent : 73593 -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::EMAgent exited at Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018 with return value 57. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::EMAgent will be restarted because of an Out of Memory Exception. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::EMAgent is Thrashing. Exiting loop. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::Commiting Process death. -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::writeAbnormalExitTimestampToAgntStmp: exitCause=OOM : restartRequired=0 -----
----- Tue Jun 12 09:52:03 2018::70850::Exited due to Thrash. -----
 --- EMState agent
----- Tue Jun 12 09:53:25 2018::78478::Mismatch detected between timezone in env (Asia/Shanghai) and in /tmpdata/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/config/emd.properties (Asia/Chungking). Forcing value to latter.. -----

tail -100 gcagent.log
2018-06-12 09:54:12,800 [45:CBCC52CF:GC.SysExecutor.1 (HeapMonitorTask)] DEBUG - Scheduling next HeapMonitorTask after delay 4999 including periodShift of 0 milliseconds
2018-06-12 09:54:12,800 [45:1AE716D1:GC.SysExecutor.1] DEBUG - End task HeapMonitorTask
2018-06-12 09:54:14,811 [1:main] FATAL - Fatal error: Target Interaction Manager failed at Startup
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Arrays.java:2882)
        at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(AbstractStringBuilder.java:100)
        at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(AbstractStringBuilder.java:390)
        at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(StringBuffer.java:224)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.target.interaction.execution.Threshold.mergeState(Threshold.java:2447)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.target.interaction.execution.Threshold.restoreThresholdState(Threshold.java:1937)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.target.interaction.execution.Threshold.initThreshold(Threshold.java:4273)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.target.interaction.execution.TargetInteractionMgr.init(TargetInteractionMgr.java:225)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.target.interaction.execution.TargetInteractionMgr.tmNotifier(TargetInteractionMgr.java:171)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.invokeNotifier(TMComponentSvc.java:1009)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.invokeInitializationStep(TMComponentSvc.java:1094)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.doInitializationStep(TMComponentSvc.java:927)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.notifierDriver(TMComponentSvc.java:823)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.TMMain.startup(TMMain.java:264)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.TMMain.agentMain(TMMain.java:565)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.TMMain.main(TMMain.java:554)
2018-06-12 09:54:14,812 [1:3305B9] DEBUG - notifierMain: Done initialization State=STARTUP_P1

[oracle@dm01dbadm01 config]$ more emd.properties

agentJavaDefines=-Xmx572M -XX:MaxPermSize=96M
agentJavaDefines=-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=96M

 ./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting agent ..................... started.





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