[root@rhevm01 ~]# /etc/init.d/luci start
Adding following auto-detected host IDs (IP addresses/domain names), corresponding to `rhevm01.example.com' address, to the configuration of self-managed certificate `/var/lib/luci/etc/cacert.config' (you can change them by editing `/var/lib/luci/etc/cacert.config', removing the generated certificate `/var/lib/luci/certs/host.pem' and restarting luci):
(none suitable found, you can stilldo it manually as mentioned above)
Generating a2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to'/var/lib/luci/certs/host.pem'
Start luci...
Point your web browser to https://rhevm01.example.com:8084 (or equivalent) to access luci
[root@rhevm01~]# /etc/init.d/luci status
Server runningin PID 9602
[root@rhevm01~]# netstat -nlapt|grep 9602
tcp0 0* LISTEN 9602/python
[root@rhevm01~]# chkconfig luci on
[root@rhevm01 ~]# /etc/init.d/ricci start
[root@rhevm01~]# chkconfig ricci on
[root@rhevm01 ~]# passwd ricci
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