{{text}} {{text}}
样式页面 wxss
.container {height: 100%;display: flex;flex-direction: column;justify-content: space-between;box-sizing: border-box;} .scrolltxt{padding:0 20rpx;background:#f8f8f8;} .marquee_box {position:relative;color:#333;height:90rpx;display:block;overflow:hidden;} .marquee_text {white-space: nowrap;position:absolute;top:0;font-size:14px;height:90rpx;line-height:90rpx;}
小程序 js页面
Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 * Linyufan.com */ data: { text: "这是一条测试公告,看看效果怎么样,2019年3月23日", marqueePace: 1,//滚动速度 marqueeDistance: 0,//初始滚动距离 marquee_margin: 30, size:14, interval: 20 // 时间间隔 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { }, onShow: function () { var that = this; var length = that.data.text.length * that.data.size;//文字长度 var windowWidth = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth;// 屏幕宽度 //console.log(length,windowWidth); that.setData({ length: length, windowWidth: windowWidth }); that.scrolltxt();// 第一个字消失后立即从右边出现 }, scrolltxt: function () { var that = this; var length = that.data.length;//滚动文字的宽度 var windowWidth = that.data.windowWidth;//屏幕宽度 if (length > windowWidth){ var interval = setInterval(function () { var maxscrollwidth = length + that.data.marquee_margin;//滚动的最大宽度,文字宽度+间距,如果需要一行文字滚完后再显示第二行可以修改marquee_margin值等于windowWidth即可 var crentleft = that.data.marqueeDistance; if (crentleft < maxscrollwidth) {//判断是否滚动到最大宽度 that.setData({ marqueeDistance: crentleft + that.data.marqueePace }) } else { //console.log("替换"); that.setData({ marqueeDistance: 0 // 直接重新滚动 }); clearInterval(interval); that.scrolltxt(); } }, that.data.interval); } else{ that.setData({ marquee_margin:"1000"});//只显示一条不滚动右边间距加大,防止重复显示 } } })