这篇文章主要讲解了“如何处理服务器You don't have permission to access的问题”,文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习“如何处理服务器You don't have permission to access的问题”吧!
Edit httpd.conf file, which is in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
. Add the below code.
#Options FollowSymLinks Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI AllowOverride None Allow from all #Options FollowSymLinks Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI AllowOverride None Allow from all
After the line no. 555 (in my case) . Check for the file permissions and restart the server.
service httpd restart
Now, it will work . Still you are facing the same problem, disable the seLinux in /etc/selinux/config
change SELINUX=disabled
and restart the server as mentioned above and try it.
引用 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17442370/you-dont-have-permission-to-access-on-this-server
感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“如何处理服务器You don't have permission to access的问题”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对如何处理服务器You don't have permission to access的问题这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是创新互联,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!
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