
精准传达 • 有效沟通




Qiu made faster, I increasingly feel that their grasp is not strong branches. See our brothers and sisters have float, from my above, I, from my Zhizuo, I Zhiyou, that they all float, their fear and doom coming on-by. Tusihubei, I almost dare not with the people of Zhiqian Fenfei as the next, and every involuntary glimpse into the abyss of this tree, Xinjingroutiao. But this moment still come, although I竭力resistance, the House Ligui Yincao the footsteps of the wind but generally weak.

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In the leaf stems from the branches shedding the moment, I thoroughly syncope. Since then bid farewell to the joy of living of Health, from the unknown into the terrible death, how can it not syncope »

When they wake up, your body is between the branches and ground float. Gone with the Wind ah Gone with the Wind, feels a bit strange, in addition to lose weight, lightweight body, not even in the slightest bit painful to imagine. This is what I fear that the death » I almost could not believe.

Fluttering long, about the manner, but the wind Zhou Qi, Sou, I lift out the high. I also do not reflect over, has risen above the Shushao the air. At the same time and I have so many increases in other leaves, some of them and I like the way the whereabouts of the set off, more is being set off from the ground. Wind cited in the care, we butterflies Luanwu vacated and, once dependent on the passing Diediezhuangzhuang sticks fork, Shashi is not responsible for the world, that glow of flashing, sounded like a surge in the notes. Flew higher in the larger and more blue sky the moment, I enjoy the agitation never seen before, never had the freedom and stimulation.

Weak winds, we are in the drop by up to the short-term static. For a time, I lie flat in the sky, the sunset of my zigzag shape as the surrounding plating on the Touhong gold, I think I am probably more like a beautiful butterfly the point » While others are facing the sunset leaves, with all the sound greedy to allow absorption heart warm afterglow. Sunningdale has the side, back-side lightly dangling around, slowly put tail, like the peacock toward the sun Shan Ping.

That moment, I was thinking of the broken, from top to bottom is about the complete joy and I was not worried about a real, even the existence of their own less than a feeling! The health of my branches, now in the air Xuanzhuo the bottom of the I, 1-2 height distance. Whole life, I have been fixed in his possession, fixed at a constant height and airspace. He Fenfenmiaomiao stubbornly to seize me, I am not allowed to fall into the abyss of death for him, this is probably love it » For me, it may not be happy, because I am even more happy is more comfortable now after the loss, but not before shedding the past.

Wind resurgence of interest rates again, I was hovering a short break, continued to rise, or to drop by, the whereabouts of the missing. Joy is true, I am the invisible hand of the care given, I am not as fast as the ground. I fluttering Dangdang and slowly, so many were set off at the same time the leaves have also down, we uproar fluttering Sasa, spectacular and live! We snowy white in winter than bad, but we golden; We are also big, floating up more leisurely自得. Water Boat child Sui Bo sing the night, but as we Qingling. Saxiang to beat the birds and the land, the foraging find another drink utilitarian……

I am intoxicated with float, and was almost not aware of the soft landing Jingxin, gentle contacts that I had not had health when the Yu Yuet. Lying on the leaves, they are easily accumulated, to maintain their shape, not because of overcrowding and forced to overlap each other and deformation. I, and they are not the dead weight of the soul, even to the accumulation of tree height, and there is no pressure on it » So, I landed at the silent, as a Wink, a Feiwen, no Yisiyihao the alarm.

Wind saying, we in the wind, while Qingyang, to the joyful dance in the air; later gathered, Feixuan to form a brave Chongsha teams, only the sword will be interesting for the general billowed into the sky, while on the ground flood Chung Dynamic, and Hua Hua, Hua Hua manner, Chao Zhao, with a smile, Naozhao……

We swarmed Hegou, Rice pointed follow all the way. Hegou side of the Green Bonong Qiucao, amuse on the red fruit, recovery flutter unknown Feichong, followed, like wind over the river to fill the Chingchuankang. There are 32 sets of leaves, fell Hemian fooled no one has Qingzhou, Teluk the other side is more in the flower garden on Qingtingdianshui then leaped into the unknown in a remote place, exiting……






切记不要用ping 测试,你就是Ping到明年也ping不通















Flutter 上字体的另类玩法:FontFeature

在以前的 《Flutter 上默认的文本和字体知识点》 和 《带你深入理解 Flutter 中的字体“冷”知识》 中,已经介绍了很多 Flutter 上关于字体有趣的知识点,而本篇讲继续介绍 Flutter 上关于 Text 的一个属性: FontFeature , 事实上相较于 Flutter ,本篇内容可能和前端或者设计关系更密切 。

什么是 FontFeature ? 简单来说就是影响字体形状的一个属性 ,在前端的对应领域里应该是 font-feature-settings ,它有别于 FontFamily ,是用于指定字体内字的形状的一个参数。

我们知道 Flutter 默认在 Android 上使用的是 Roboto 字体,而在 iOS 上使用的是 SF 字体,但是其实 Roboto 字体也是分很多类型的,比如你去查阅手机的 system/fonts 目录,就会发现很多带有 Roboto 字样的字体库存在。

所以 Roboto 之类的字体库是一个很大的字体集,不同的 font-weight 其实对应着不同的 ttf ,例如默认情况下的 Roboto 是不支持 font-weight 为 600 的配置 :

所以如下图所示,如果我们设置了 w400 - w700 的 weight ,可以很明显看到中间的 500 和 600 其实是一样的粗细,所以在 设置 weight 或者设计 UI 时,就需要考虑不同平台上的 weight 是否支持想要的效果 。

回归到 FontFeature 上,那 Roboto 自己默认支持多少种 features 呢? 答案是 26 种,它们的编码如下所示,运行后效果也如下图所示,从日常使用上看,这 26 种 Feature 基本满足开发的大部分需求。

而 iOS 上的 SF pro 默认支持 39 种 Features , 它们的编码如下所示,运行后效果也如下图所示,可以看到 SF pro 支持的 Features 更多。

所以可以看到,并不是所有字体支持的 Features 都是一样的,比如 iOS 上支持 sups 上标显示和 subs 下标显示,但是 Android 上的 Roboto 并不支持,甚至很多第三方字体其实并不支持 Features 。

有趣的是,在 Flutter Web 有一个渲染文本时会变模糊的问题 #58159 ,这个问题目前官方还没有修复,但是你可以通过给 Text 设置任意 FontFeatures 来解决这个问题。

最后,如果对 FontFeature 还感兴趣的朋友,可以通过一下资料深入了解,如果你还有什么关于字体上的问题,欢迎留言讨论。

基于网友的问题再补充一下拓展知识,毕竟这方面内容也不多 。

事实上在 dart 里就可以看到对应 FontWeight 约定俗称用的是字体集里的什么字体:

所以如果对于默认字体有疑问,可以在你的手机字体找找是否有对应的字体, 比如虽然我们说 roboto 没有 600 ,但是如果是 roboto mono 字体集是有 600 的 fontweight ,甚至还有 600 斜体: 。

另外注意这是 Flutter 而不是原生,具体实现调用是在 Engine 的 paragraph_skia.cc 和 paragraph_builder_skia.cc 下对应的 setFontFamilies 相关逻辑,当然默认字体库指定在 typography.dart 下就看到,例如 'Roboto' 、 '.SF UI Display' 、 '.SF UI Text' 、 '.AppleSystemUIFont' 、 'Segoe UI' :

另外如果你在 Mac 的 Web 上使用 Flutter Web,可以看到指定的是 .AppleSystemUIFont ,而对于 .AppleSystemUIFont 它其实不算是一种字体,而是苹果上字体的一种集合别称:


还有,如果你去看 Flutter 默认自带的 cupertino/context_menu_action.dart ,就可以看到一个有趣的情况:

当然,前面我们说了那么多,主要是针对英文的情况下,而在中文下还是有差异的 ,之前的文章也介绍过:

例如,在苹果上的简体中文其实会是 PingFang SC 字体,对应还有 PingFang TC 和 PingFang HK 的繁体集,而关于这个问题在 Flutter 上之前还出现过比较有意思的 bug :

当然后续的 #16709 修复了这个问题 ,而在以前的文章我也讲过,当时我遇到了 “Flutter 在 iOS 系统上,系统语言是韩文时,在和中文一起出现会导致字体显示异常" 的问题 :

解决方法也很简单,就是给 fontFamilyFallback 配置上 ["PingFang SC" , "Heiti SC"] 就可以了,这是因为韩文在苹果手机上使用的应该是 Apple SD Gothic Neo 这样的超集字体库,【广】这个字符在这个字体集上是不存在的,所以就变成了中文的【广】;

所以可以看到,字体相关是一个平时很少会深入接触的东西,但是一旦涉及多语言和绘制,就很容易碰到问题的领域 。



读音:英 [flɒp]   美 [flɑːp] 。


1、the flop:翻牌圈 ,第一次开三张牌。

2、flop down:向下翻, 翻牌下来,掉落下来。

例句:Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet



同近义词:flutter, 笨拙地抛下,扑通放下,拍(翅)。

读音:英 [ˈflʌtə(r)]   美 [ˈflʌtər]。


1、Ventricular flutter:心室扑动。

2、impure flutter:不整洁扑动。

例句:Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze.






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