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oracle rac 问题解决


oracle rac 问题解决

[root@rac1 rac1]# pwd


[root@rac1 rac1]# ls

acfs acfsrepl acfssec agent clientcrfmond cssdcvu evmd gnsd mdnsd racg

acfslog acfsreplroot admin alertrac1.log crflogd crsd ctssd diskmon gipcd gpnpd ohasd srvm

admin => 记录一些概要信息 

alertgnd-rac01.log =>记录节点crs状态变化时候的一些概要信息,详细还是要看css log 

client =>记录crs初始化,ocr application including: CLSCFG, CSS, OCRCHECK, OCRCONFIG, OCRDUMP and OIFCFG 

crsd =>记录crsd的相关日志,crs等待css进入fatal模式后,启动crsd然后启动相关的resource 

cssd =>记录cssd的相关日志,节点停止,启动,reconfig等,所有问题都会记录,最重要的日志 

evmd =>记录evmd的日志 

racg =>记录ons,vip的相关日志 

2. 在Oracle集群环境的"$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin"目录下提供了diagcollection.pl脚本,以root用户身份执行该脚本便可以完成搜集必要的诊断信息的目的。


[root@rac1 ~]# cd $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin

[root@rac1 bin]# ./diagcollection.pl --help

Production Copyright 2004, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved

Cluster Ready Services (CRS) diagnostic collection tool



[--crs] For collecting crs diagnostic information

[--adr] For collecting diagnostic information for ADR; specify ADR location

[--chmos] For collecting Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data

[--acfs] Unix only. For collecting ACFS diagnostic information

[--all] Default.For collecting all diagnostic information.

[--core] UNIX only. Package core files with CRS data

[--afterdate] UNIX only. Collects archives from the specified date. Specify in mm/dd/yyyy format

[--aftertime] Supported with -adr option. Collects archives after the specified time. Specify in YYYYMMDDHHMISS24 format

[--beforetime] Supported with -adr option. Collects archives before the specified date. Specify in YYYYMMDDHHMISS24 format

[--crshome] Argument that specifies the CRS Home location

[--incidenttime] Collects Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data from the specified time. Specify in MM/DD/YYYYHH24:MM:SS format

If not specified, Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data generated in the past 24 hours are collected

[--incidentduration] Collects Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data for the duration after the specified time. Specify in HH:MM format.

If not specified, all Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data after incidenttime are collected


1. You can also do the following

./diagcollection.pl --collect --crs --crshome

--clean cleans up the diagnosability

information gathered by this script

--coreanalyze UNIX only. Extracts information from core files

and stores it in a text file

[root@rac1 bin]# ./diagcollection.pl --collect --all --crshome $ORA_CRS_HOME

Production Copyright 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved

Cluster Ready Services (CRS) diagnostic collection tool

The following CRS diagnostic archives will be created in the local directory.

crsData_rac1.tar.gz -> logs,traces and cores from CRS home. Note: core files will be packaged only with the -core option.

ocrData_rac1.tar.gz -> ocrdump, ocrcheck etc

coreData_rac1.tar.gz -> contents of CRS core files in text format

Collecting crs data

/bin/tar: Removing leading `/' from member names

Collecting OCR data

Collecting information from core files

No corefiles found

The following Oracle Home diagnostic archives will be created in the local directory.

oraData_rac1.tar.gz -> logs, traces and cores from Oracle Home

Collecting oracle home data

/bin/tar: Removing leading `/' from member names


[root@rac1 bin]# ls -l *tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 138 Nov 18 22:38 coreData_rac1.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 234507 Nov 18 22:38 crsData_rac1.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8000 Nov 18 22:38 ocrData_rac1.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 81851 Nov 18 22:38 oraData_rac1.tar.gz




[grid@rac1 ~]$ cluvfy -help


cluvfy [-help|-version]

cluvfy stage {-list|-help}

cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} [-verbose]

cluvfy comp {-list|-help}

cluvfy comp [-verbose]


[grid@rac1 ~]$ cluvfy comp crs -n all -verbose

Verifying CRS integrity

Checking CRS integrity...

Clusterware version consistency passed

The Oracle Clusterware is healthy on node "rac2"

The Oracle Clusterware is healthy on node "rac1"

CRS integrity check passed

Verification of CRS integrity was successful.





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