public class HttpServer extends NanoHTTPD { public HttpServer(int port) { super(port); } @Override public Response serve(IHTTPSession session) { HashMapfiles = new HashMap<>(); Method method = session.getMethod(); if (Method.POST.equals(method)) { try { //notice:If the post with body data, it needs parses the body,or it can't get the body data; session.parseBody(files); }catch (IOException e) { return newFixedLengthResponse(Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR, MIME_PLAINTEXT, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: IOException: " + e.getMessage()); }catch (ResponseException e) { return newFixedLengthResponse(e.getStatus(), MIME_PLAINTEXT, e.getMessage()); } } final String postData = files.get("postData"); String transJson = Transmit.getInstance().getAuthoriseData(postData); return newFixedLengthResponse(transJson); }
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