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All Percona Support customers are eligible for bug fixes, but their options vary. For example, Advanced+ <链接1>customers are offered a HotFix build prior to the public release of software with the patch. <链接2>Premium customers do not even have to use Percona software: we may port our patches to upstream for them. But for Percona products all Support levels have the right to have a fix.


Even so, this does not mean we will fix every unexpected behavior, even if we accept that behavior to be a valid bug. One of the reasons for such a decision might be that while the behavior is clearly wrong for Percona products, this is still a feature request.



A good recent example of such a case is PS-5312 – the bug is repeatable with upstream and reported at bugs.mysql.com/95065

最近一个很好的案例是 PS-5312<链接3>——这个bug可在上游复现并被记录在bugs.mysql.com/95065<链接4>。

This reports a situation whereby access to InnoDB fulltext indexes leads to growth in memory usage. It starts when someone queries a fulltext index, grows until a maximum, and is not freed for quite a long time.


Yura Sorokin from the Percona Engineering Team investigated if this is a memory leak and found that it is not.

来自Percona工程团队的Yura Sorokin研究表明,这种情况并不属于内存泄漏范畴。

When InnoDB resolves a fulltext query, it creates a memory heap in the function fts_query_phrase_search This heap may grow up to 80MB. Additionally, it has a big number of blocks ( mem_block_t ) which are not always used continuously and this, in turn, leads to memory fragmentation.


In the function exit , the memory heap is freed. InnoDB does this for each of the allocated blocks. At the end of the function, it calls free() which belongs to one of the memory allocator libraries, such as malloc or jemalloc. From the mysqld point of view, everything is done correctly: there is no memory leak.


However while free() should release memory when called, it is not required to return it back to the operating system. If the memory allocator decides that the same memory blocks will be required soon, it may still keep them for the mysqld process. This explains why you might see that mysqld still uses a lot of memory after the job is finished and all de-allocations are done.


This in practice is not a big issue and should not cause any harm. But if you need the memory to be returned to the operating system quicker, you could try alternative memory allocators, such as jemalloc. The latter was proven to solve the issue with PS-5312.


Another factor which improves memory management is the number of CPU cores: the more we used for the test, the faster the memory was returned to the operating system. This, probably, can be explained by the fact that if you have multiple CPUs, then the memory allocator can dedicate one of them just for releasing memory to the operating system.


The very first implementation of InnoDB full text indexes introduced this flaw. As our engineer Yura Sorokin found:

  • The very first 5.6 commit which introduces Full Text Search Functionality for InnoDB WL#5538: InnoDB Full-Text Search Support – https://dev.mysql.com/worklog/task/?id=5538

  • Implement WL #5538 InnoDB Full-Text Search Support, merge – /tupian/20230522/b6169e2d944 – also has this problem.

正如我们的工程师Yura Sorokin所发现的一样,下面两点阐述了InnoDB全文索引的早期实现引入了这个缺陷:

  • 5.6版本MySQL最早对InnoDB WL全文索引功能引入的介绍:#5538: InnoDB全文搜索支持 – https://dev.mysql.com/worklog/task/?id=5538

  • 实现WL #5538 InnoDB全文搜索支持与合并 - /tupian/20230522/b6169e2d944 - 也存在同样的问题问题


We have a few options to fix this:

  1. Change implementation of InnoDB fulltext index

  2. Use custom memory library like jemalloc

Both have their advantages and disadvantages.





Option 1 means we are introducing an incompatibility with upstream, which may lead to strange bugs in future versions. This also means a full rewrite of the InnoDB fulltext code which is always risky in GA versions, used by our customers.

方法1 意味着我们引入了与软件上游不兼容性的风险,这可能会导致新版本中出现未知的错误。也意味着彻底重写InnoDB全文索引部分代码,这在用户们使用的GA版本中是有风险的。

Option 2 means we may hit flaws in the jemalloc<链接5> library which is designed for performance and not for the safest memory allocation.

方法2 则意味着我们可能会命中一些jemalloc库中专门为性能设计但不是最安全的内存分配的bug。

So we have to choose between these two not ideal solutions.

Since option 1 may lead to a situation when Percona Server will be incompatible with upstream, we prefer option 2and look forward for the upstream fix of this bug.




If you are seeing a high memory usage by the mysqld process, it is not always a symptom of a memory leak. You can use memory instrumentation in Performance Schema to find out how allocated memory is used. Try alternative memory libraries for better processing of allocations and freeing of memory. Search the user manual for LD_PRELOADto find out how to set it up at these pages here and here.

如果发现mysqld进程占用内存很高,并不代表一定是内存泄漏。我们可以在Performance Schema中使用内存检测来了解进程是如何使用已分配的内存。也可以尝试替换内存库来更好地处理内存分配与释放。关于LD_RELOAD如何配置,请查阅MySQL用户手册对应页面 mysqld-safe<链接6>和using-system<链接7>。






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