PetCO2 | 呼末CO2分压mmHg | |
PaCO2 | 动脉CO2分压mmHg | 指溶解在血液中的二氧化碳分子产生的压力,又称二氧化碳张力。 |
PvCO2 | 静脉血中的二氧化碳分压称“静脉血二氧化碳分压” | |
PetO2 | 终末潮气氧分压mmHg | |
VCO2 | 每分钟CO2排出量 | =VA*PaCO2/Pb |
VO2 | 每分钟摄氧量L/min VO2 = (milliliters of air inhaled per minute) (percentage of oxygen in the air inhaled) / (milliliters of air exhaled per minute) (percentage of oxygen in the air exhaled) 运动中摄氧量等于心排血量和动脉-混合静脉血氧含量差[C(a-v)O2]的乘积 VO2=心排血量*C(a-v)O2 反映机体运动负荷的指标,作为运动能力指标之一被广泛应用。氧耗量=每搏搏出量*心率*动静脉氧差=心搏出量*动静脉氧差。 | VO2=(每分钟吸入空气的毫升数)*(吸入空气中氧气的百分比)/(每分钟呼出的空气毫升数)(呼出空气中氧气的百分比) |
VE (minute ventilation volume at rest) | 每分钟静息通气量 | |
MV (minute ventilation) | 每分钟肺泡通气量,又称有效通气量。(潮气量—无效腔气量)×呼吸频率 | MV/VE=VT*f。 |
VA (alveolar ventilation) | VA=(VT-VD)×f | |
VD | 生理无效腔(VD)是肺泡无效腔与解剖无效腔之和。肺泡无效腔是指每次呼吸进出肺泡但未进行交换的气量,正常人可忽略不计。 | |
VO2 max: | 大摄氧量。 | |
TV (Tidal volume,VT) | 潮气量:每次呼吸时吸入或呼出的气体量。 | 潮气量=吸气时间*供气流速。 |
FVC (forced vital capacity) | 用力肺活量:深吸气至TLC,做大力量、最快速度的呼气所呼出的大气体容积。 | |
FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in one second) | 第1秒用力呼气容积:从TLC用力呼气1S所呼出的大气体容积。是判断通气功能障碍类型和程度的最常用参数。 | |
FEV (forced expiratory volume in six second) | 6秒用力呼气容积:从TLC用力呼气6秒所呼出的大气体容积。健康成人FEV1/FVC约为98%一100%,故FEV6是判断FVC完成质量的参数,若呼气达不到6S,常提示呼气不完全。 | |
FEVl/FVC,FEVl% (forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity) | 一秒率:FEVl与FVC的比值。也常用FEVl/FEV6或FEVl/VC表示,即FEVl与FEV6或VC的比值。是最常用的定性气流阻塞的参数。 | |
FIVC,FVCi (forced inspiratory vital capacity) | 用力吸气肺活量:深呼气至RV,做大力量、最快速度吸气所吸入的大气体容积。健康人FVCi=FVC;在阻塞性肺疾病,FVCi常大于FVC。 | |
MVV (maximal ventilatory volume) | 大自主通气量:简称大通气量,指受检者1 min完成的大通气量,但实际仅测定15 S或12 S,要求做大力量、最快速度呼吸,然后换算为MVV,即前者的通气量×4,后者×5。理论上,MVV能准确反映受检者的大通气能力,但检查要求高,误差大;而MVV与FEV1有极佳的正线性相关关系,故常被FEV1代替。 | |
VE (minute ventilation volume at rest) | 每分钟静息通气量:简称每分通气量。指静息状态下每分钟所呼出的气体容积。MVV与VE差值反映通气储备。 | =潮气容积(VT)×呼吸频率(RR)/分钟。 |
AI (air flow velocity index,air velocity index) | 气速指数:实测MMV占预计值百分比与VC占预计值百分比的比值。正常AI≈l。在轻度阻塞性肺疾病患者,缓慢呼气能充分呼出肺内气体,用力呼气则受限,VC正常,MVV下降;一旦VC下降,MVV下降更显著,故AI<1。在轻度限制性肺疾病患者,VC下降,但通过代偿性呼吸增快,MVV正常;若MVV下降,VC下降将更显著,故AI>l。 | |
Pb | 大气压 | |
Anaerobic threshold,AT | 无氧代谢阈值 运动负荷增加到一定程度后,组织对氧的需求超过循环所能提供的氧供量,组织必须通过无氧代谢提供更多的氧,有氧代谢与无氧代谢的临界点称为AT,也称为乳酸代谢域值,正常值大于40%peakVO2,一般在50%~65%peakVO2,其值大小受长期有氧训练等个体因素的影响[5]。相对peakVO2而言,AT更能反映肌肉线粒体利用氧的能力。由于AT所代表的是亚极量运动负荷,不受患者主观因素影响,因此把AT和peakVO2结合在一起判断患者的运动耐力。AT用于制定个体化运动处方中运动强度的推荐,AT通常由Vslope方法判定。 |
VE BTPS (L/M): = Minute Volume. This value represents the amount of air moved in and out of the lungs in one minute.
VT (L/Br): = Tidal Volume. The volume of air moved during either inspiration or expiration per breath.
F (br/min): = Breath Rate. The number of breaths taken per minute.
Heart Rate (beats/min): = The number of beats per minute.
Stage (#): This indicates at what stage of the protocol you are exercising.
Grade (%): This is the degree of incline of the treadmill at a given point during the test.
Speed (mph): This is the speed of the treadmill at a given point during the test.
Watts: The power output at a given point during the test.
Pedal Speed (rev/min): The amount of times the wheel will make one full revolution in one minute.
VO2 STPD (L/min): = Oxygen Consumption. This is the amount of oxygen consumed in one minute. The higher an individual’s maximum VO2, the better one’s physical condition.
VO2/kg (ml/min/kg): = The weight adjusted value for the above measurement. This is actually more important than the above measurement. An individual can increase this value by improving their aerobic condition or by losing a percentage of their fat.
FEO2: = Mixed Expired Oxygen (fractional concentration). The percentage of oxygen in the air exhaled.
FECO2: = Mixed Expired Carbon Dioxide (fractional concentration). The percentage of carbon dioxide in the air exhaled.
O2VE (L/L): = Ventilatory Equivalent for Oxygen. This value represents the number of liters of air inspired per liter of oxygen consumed. This is a good indication of an individual’s ability to extract oxygen from the air.
CO2VE (L/L): = Ventilatory Equivalent for Carbon Dioxide. This value represents the number of liters of air inspired per liter of carbon dioxide consumed.
RER: = Respiratory Exchange Ratio. This represents the volume of carbon dioxide exhaled divided by the volume of oxygen consumed. This value, at submaximal levels, is an index of cellular metabolism. A value of 0.7 is closer to fat metabolism and 1.0 is closer to carbohydrate metabolism. At maximal exercise, this is an indirect index of exercise stress.
部分摘自:《心肺运动试验的原理和解读-----病理生理及临床应用 5版》
部分摘自:VO2 Max for Men and Women: What's a Good Fitness Level by Age? | Fitnescity: Body Fat (DEXA). Metabolism. VO2 max